Five years ago we were blessed to use Adoption Assistance in conjunction with American Adoptions to bring our son into our home. The social worker was so kind and attentive and helped to guide our adoption process. We are blessed to still see the way Adoption Assistance continues to work to bring families together.

How our embryo adoption process works
Adoption Assistance families have the opportunity to screen and adopt embryos previously created through an in vitro fertilization cycle. These embryos are then implanted into the adoptive mother at the NEDC clinic by their highly qualified NEDC medical staff.
The NEDC’s overall pregnancy rate per transfer is 57% and its live-birth rate is 50%. You can find additional information on embryo adoption and further details on how exactly the embryo implantation process works by visiting
Embryo adoption: the step by step process
Decide if embryo adoption is the best option for your family.
Contact the National Embryo Donation Center and complete their application and preliminary forms
Begin the home study process.
Submit your Adoption Assistance application on line or mail/email/fax a hard copy to the Adoption Assistance office.
Upon receipt of the application, Adoption Assistance will immediately email you a pdf file containing a checklist and the documents you need to begin the process. You will also be assigned a personal Adoption Worker who will call and introduce herself within 24/48 hours.
Gather paperwork for your home study.
Complete home study visits
Submit the approved home study to the NEDC
Participate in the NEDC consultation meeting and select the embryos you wish to adopt
Follow the NEDC medical process and prepare for the embryo transfer.
Travel to Knoxville, TN for the embryo transfer
Prepare your life and home for your child as your children grows and develops
Give birth to you new child (children)