Five years ago we were blessed to use Adoption Assistance in conjunction with American Adoptions to bring our son into our home. The social worker was so kind and attentive and helped to guide our adoption process. We are blessed to still see the way Adoption Assistance continues to work to bring families together.

Choosing adoption isn't always easy.
Parents who make an adoption plan love their child and would parent if circumstances were different. We at Adoption Assistance do not presume to know what is best for you or you child. We can promise we will listen to you, thoroughly discuss your different options, and help you decide what is truly right for you and your baby at this point in your life. Counseling is always confidential and provided in a location and manner that is comfortable for you.
If you decide that adoption is the best decision for you and your child, we will help every step of the way. You can choose your adoptive family, choose what type of communication you would like to have with the family and your child and receive financial assistance if needed. Choosing adoption is a selfless act of love and never easy, but can be the right decision for your child, and yourself.
We are happy to provide the following services:
Ability to speak with someone at any time of day or night, which, is rare in most agencies.
Free counseling before and after the adoption.
No need to travel to our office. In most cases, your counselor will meet with you at a location of your choice.
Free legal assistance.
Ability to choose your family and the type of life you envision for your child.
Assistance with meeting and getting to know your family as you desire.
Financial assistance.
The benefit of our years of experience in all aspects of adoption.